Day 1 The Good Shepherd knows me!
Pasture Time (Game Time)
Supplies needed:
Tissue paper or fabric squares
2 sets of bingo signs (link for signs)
List of bingo call out statements (link for callouts)
Spray chalk or tape for marking out grid (on the ground of floor(optional)
Pylon/ orange traffic cone or Item for a ‘free space’
SAY: We are learning today that God KNOWS us! So we are going to play a game that helps us get to know each other better!
Divide the kids up into two teams. Each team needs ‘bingo numbers’ and a ‘player’
Hand out the signs and have the kids that are the ‘bingo numbers’ pick one statement that applies to them.
Once the kids each have a sign, have them get into a place on their grid(if you haven’t made a grid in advance have them get into a formation to look like a bingo card making sure the ‘free space’ marker is in the center.
Pull a statement out of a bucket and read it out loud. If the statement applies to one of the ‘bingo numbers’ have that child put their hand up.
Have the child that is the ‘player’ either ‘dab’ that ‘bingo number’ with with the tissue paper/fabric square and have the dabbed number sit down.
Play the game until one of the teams can yell BAAAAAA!
*note…if you don’t’ have enough kids to make two teams, try doing one bingo card together or if the teams are really small get the whole team to be out before they yell BAAAA
Day 2 The Good Shepherd protects me!
Pasture Time (game time)
SAY :Today we will be playing a game called Clump. When sheep feel threatened they always ‘clump’ or huddle together to stay safe. The safest place for the sheep to be is with each other and with the shepherd. When we have trouble in life the best thing for us to do is surround ourselves with good Christian friends and run to Jesus.
Supplies needed:
A ‘shepherd’ (this could be a cardboard cutout, a scare crow, or another leader that moves around.
Everyone stand at least 5 feet away from each other. When the leader yells CLUMP (and some number) everyone has to huddle together in that number and together run to the ‘shepherd’ If there is a group that can’t make that number then they are out. The goal is to be the last group of two standing.
For example, if the leader yells CLUMP 5 then everyone must get into groups of five and run to the ‘shepherd’. Anyone who doesn’t get into a group is out for the game.
Day 3 God Provides for us!
Pasture Time (Game Time)
SAY: Today’s games are themed around generosity and I want you to remember as we are playing that sometimes God surprises us by providing for us in ways that we could never have dreamed of.
Supplies needed:
Option 1—Water and sponges
Option 2 --A large set of legos with at least two flat bases as a starter.
Game option 1 God provides us with water.
Drip drip drop….a game played the same way as Duck Duck Goose with the exception being that you take a sponge filled with water and Drip Drip Drop(squeeze the rest of the sponge) on the heads of those in the circle.
Game option 2
God provides us with housing/shelter
Divide the group into a team of two (or more in necessary).
Have the children get in a row behind a line. There should be building supplies set out on a table/designated spot. Each child must run from behind the line and put one single piece on the ‘house’ and run back and tag the next child and so on. The game is over when they have a house built that will hold two Lego people.
Day 4 The Good Shepherd loves me!
Pasture Time (game time)
SAY: Today we will be having a scavenger hunt. We will be looking for ‘lost sheep’ just like in our bible lesson.
Supplies needed:
Several sheep—toy animals, stuffed animals or pieces of paper that have a sheep on it.
Make a scavenger hunt for sheep. Depending on your location, you may have to create clues, or it might be acceptable to just hide sheep in various places. Make sure at the end of your time with them, that you get them to hide the sheep for the next group. If your group gets done early, and it’s appropriate you could play hide and seek, or some variation of that game.
Day 5 The Good Shepherd invites me to know Him.
Pasture Time(game time)
Choose one person to be the caller and have everyone else line up a distance of about 15 feet away. A caller yells out for a group to run to the safe place. Example, “Little Sheep wearing red come over.” The group that is called must run to a designated safe place, while the caller tries to tag the sheep before they get there. Whoever gets tagged joins the caller in trying to tag the other sheep when they are called on the next round. The game is played until only one sheep is left. That sheep then becomes the caller for the next round.