Day 4
The Good Shepherd
loves me
1) Welcome back
As the students come back into the Corral welcome the back class by
Announcer: Hi everyone! I hope
you felt the love of the Good Shepherd tonight
Pick one or two of the songs from the worship time ..
3)Offering and Attendance report
Okay its time for our Offering and attendance report!
Tell the kids how many boys vs girls attended vbs and report on the
offering totals(if you are having a boy vs girl contest with this you can
discuss this as well)
3) Bible
Memory review
He tends his flock(put hands
like you are patting sheep on the head)
Like a shepherd(make shepherd
staff with hand)
He gathers the lambs in his
arms(motion like you are gathering a lamb into your arm)
And carries them close to his
heart(put both hands on your heart)
Before we all head home let’s close this VBS in
Good Shepherd,
Thank you so much for all the ways you love us!
We love you too and we can’t wait to come back tomorrow to learn more about
In Jesus Name
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