In this curriculum we will take a week (5 days) to discover what it means to be part of God’s flock, and learn about the Good Shepherd who leads us! From the Old to the New Testaments the Bible continuously refers to us as sheep, and God as our Good Shepherd. This week we will go on a journey, to discover first, that the Good Shepherd knows us. Then we will learn how the Good Shepherd protects, provides, and loves us. The last day will come full circle as we come to realize that the Good Shepherd invites us to know him!
We are all like sheep! So fluff up your wool and get ready for some fun!
Welcome to the Corral
The Corral
is where the children will gather at the beginning of the VBS time and at the
end. It is where the kids will have the
theme introduced, have an opportunity to worship, hear a bible lesson, as well
as some skits. It is at the Corral where
the foundation for the VBS time is set when the kids first arrive and where it
is reinforced before the kids go home.
There are
several roles that are involved in making the Corral happen. Some of these
roles can be performed by the same people, so make sure you know what your
responsibilities are.
Director NOTE: Make sure you go
through and clarify with each helper what their role in the corral is.
The Announcer is kind of like the ‘MC’ of the
Corral. They start off each day with a
welcome and a short skit (of sorts). They need to be fun and energetic. The announcer will also work closely with
Jake the Sheep dog, in the Sheepology skit each day. It would be a good idea to
find a few minutes before each day to run through and practice your skit with
each other. I know it might seem like a
lot of things for the announcer to do, but remember you are not expected to
memorize each skit word for word. You want them to feel natural and get the
heart of the message across. Your role
as the Announcer is to be the fun loving and sometimes silly ‘MC’. I would encourage you to read through all the
Corral lessons prior to VBS starting so you have an understanding of
personality, and direction you role will take throughout the week. Clarify with the VBS director first but it is
assumed that as the MC you will be responsible for the offering project, drama
intro, memory verse, response and closing, and sending out of kids.
Jake the Sheepdog is a sheepdog that tends to be on the
serious side. He is ALL about sheep and following his shepherd. Although this part could be done by a puppet
if needed. It can also be done by another adult dressed in a simple dog outfit. It can be as complex or as simple as you
desire. I would recommend getting a set
of ‘dog ears’ to help give the
impression of a dog. Remember that in the last skit Jake receives his own dog
collar so that isn’t part of the outfit for the first four days. As you read though the skits you can get the
feel for the personality of who Jake is. I would recommend reading through
every skit before VBS starts so that you can have a feel for the direction the skits are going
through the week. Try to make your
character feel natural, and work with the Announcer so that you can do your
best together. It would be a good idea to find a few minutes before each day to
run through and practice your skit with each other.
The worship leader is the individual that
leads the children in song time. I have included several songs in a YouTube
play list that you can utilize if you would like. If you look at the general
overview of the lesson each day, then you can pick songs accordingly. Song time comes right after the opening skit
(done by the announcer) so if you read that skit for each day you will have a
good idea of the thoughts going toward each day.
Sound and technology Understanding the locations that videos and so on need to be
played will help the Corral time run smoothly.
Please read through each corral and take notes of the places where you
will need to play a video/slideshow/music etc.
Offering project
I have
included two offering project ideas for you to consider. Both offering projects are connected with the
Samaritan’s Purse organization. I would
encourage you to make offering time an exciting challenge. Let the kids know how much they have raised
as the week goes on and help them to get excited.
Drama extras
Aside from
the daily skits between Jake and the Announcer, there are a few times during
the Corral where additional actors are needed:
Day3 intro skit ‘friend’
3 Jacob and Esau skit (if not doing it as an impromptu drama)
Memory Verse
Every day a new Bible memory verse is introduced to
the children in Corral. There is a slide show of the memory verses that you may
utilize if you would like.
Response and Closing
It is
generally understood that the Announcer would be responsible for the response
as closing(as well as the Bible memory verse.)
As Corral Staff we ask that you:
Prepare! Read through the day’s corral plan.
Understand where you fit in and how the day is going to play out. Work on making your time with the kids run as
smoothly as possible.
Pray! Pray for the children you will be in
contact with this week and ask God to use you to touch their lives in a special
Enjoy! Enjoy the opportunity to teach the
children something new!
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