Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pasture Time Leader

           In this curriculum we will take a week (5 days) to discover what it means to be part of God’s flock, and learn about the Good Shepherd who leads us!  From the Old to the New Testaments the Bible continuously refers to us as sheep, and God as our Good Shepherd. This week we will go on a journey, to discover first, that the Good Shepherd knows us. Then we will learn how the Good Shepherd protects, provides, and loves us. The last day will come full circle as we come to realize that the Good Shepherd invites us to know him!

We are all like sheep!  So fluff up your wool and get ready for some fun!

Welcome to Pasture Time (Game Time)
Pasture Time is where children can come use physical activity to continue learning about the lesson.  It is also a place where laughter and structured play is encouraged. Each game is designed to enhance the lessons taught that day, and will encourage the kids to process the lesson through physical movement.
Some children learn best when they are moving, and so the lesson might ‘click’ for them when they are out playing, laughing and having fun.  It is your job as the Game leader to provide an upbeat time where the kids can have fun and wear off energy!
Please take the time before each lesson to review the theme of the day as well as the memory verse, so that you can help direct conversation and fun in such a way, as to encourage the children to continue learning.
Use your creativity to make the ‘Pasture’ as inviting as possible.
You will have 30 minutes of time with each group that comes to Pasture time.

As the Game leader we ask that you:
Prepare! Read through the game lesson and make sure you are prepared for your time with the children.
Pray! Pray for the children you will be in contact with this week and ask God to use you to touch their lives in a special way

Have Fun!  If you are having fun, the children will have fun too!

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