Today’s Overview:
Bible Story
The Good Shepherd invites us to know Him
John 1:29
Behold the Lamb of God that takes away
the sin of the world!
Luke 2
God invites the shepherds to see the
baby Jesus
Yesterday, as I worked at my computer, I had several windows open, as I worked going back and forth through a few programs. I was trying to accomplish my task at hand that moment, and yet there was a line that was at the bottom of one of my pages that kept peeking through my work to find me. It said "The greatest gift of all is to know him." Several times as I worked, I had to pause and just savor that know Him. I was as if God in that moment was calling to me, inviting me to spend time with Him. It was like He was reminding me over and over the whole purpose to the writing of this curriculum to begin with--introducing children to the Good Shepherd.
Today as we hand out invitations to the children, and encourage them receive Jesus their Good Shepherd into their lives, please remember, your invited too. The Good Shepherd is inviting YOU to know Him as well. For some He is an invitation for the beginning of a relationship with Him. For others, you have known Jesus and have had a personal relationship for sometime, yet the invitation to know Him more is for you as well.
That is the amazing thing about God. Every day He gives us, is another personal invitation from heaven to know Him more. I have heard it said that every day of life is a gift from God. Maybe the reason for that, is because every day is another day to experience the gift of growing closer to the Good Shepherd who loves us. The question for you today is this. Will you accept His invitation?
2000 years ago a host of angles invited shepherds who were societies outcasts, to knees before their king in awe and wonder. There willingness to accept the invitation landed them a part in the greatest story ever told.
Today a personal invitation is here for you as well, and the acceptance of your invitation will give you a part in the same story, because it is the story of God, and it is a story that isn't finished yet.
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