Monday, December 5, 2016

Sheep Fold Leader

           In this curriculum we will take a week (5 days) to discover what it means to be part of God’s flock, and learn about the Good Shepherd who leads us!  From the Old to the New Testaments the Bible continuously refers to us as sheep, and God as our Good Shepherd. This week we will go on a journey, to discover first, that the Good Shepherd knows us. Then we will learn how the Good Shepherd protects, provides, and loves us. The last day will come full circle as we come to realize that the Good Shepherd invites us to know him!

We are all like sheep!  So fluff up your wool and get ready for some fun!

Welcome to the Sheep Fold!

The Sheep Fold is the place where the children get to dive deeper into the Bible lesson.  They will have an object lesson , a time to do some bible reading, review their memory verse, as well as time to work(or at least receive) their hand out for the day.
Although I hope that you and the children will have fun as you learn together, it is also important to note that this is more of a settled time, then high energy. The children will have the opportunity for high energy at game time.  
Anything that you can do to make the 'Sheep Fold' feel cozy and inviting will help the children feel like it is a special place. 

Welcome the children into the fold, and invite them in with excitement.

Visual Aid and Discussion
            The first part of the Bible Fold time will be your visual aid and discussion time. These are meant to get the children to think about the bible story in a new way and engage with you. Encourage the children to participate .

Bible Time
            During Bible time, you can open the Word of God and read and disscuss together. If you have strong readers you could ask some of them to read out loud.

Bible Memory Review
            Every day the children will receive another Bible verse to memorize. This is a time when they can review their memory verse for a second time during the day. 

            At the end of your time with the children, make sure you give them each one of their hand outs for the day.  The group leader that is assorting the children may want to hold them so they don’t get lost through the rest of the time of VBS.

NOTE on day 5.
Day 5 is a very special day of VBS. Each child will be given a small gift, along with an invitation for a personal relationship with Jesus. This might be a good day to have the pastor/church elders visit your class in case you need assistance.

As Sheep Fold Leader we ask that you:
Prepare!  Read through the day’s Bible Lesson prior to teaching it. Do whatever prep work needs to be done and come to class ready and excited to teach the children.  Work on making your time with the kids run as smoothly as possible.
Pray! Pray for the children you will be in contact with this week and ask God to use you to touch their lives in a special way.
Enjoy! Enjoy the opportunity to teach the children something new!

Have Fun!  If you are having fun, the children will have fun too!

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