The Sheep Fold(Bible Lesson)
Day 4 The Good Shepherd Loves Us.
Supplies needed:
Big bucket of legos(or some type of toy with many
many pieces….the bigger the better)
Party hats and noise makers(one per child)
Hand out papers
Advance preparation:
read through the lesson, and decide on what legos you will need.
Hide a lego piece in the room.
Welcome the children and invite them to join in
We hear the word love LOTS. I might tell you that
I love ice cream or I might tell you I love my children. What are ways that you
hear people use the word love? Do you
feel the same way about ice cream as you do about your parents?
Now I want you to use your imagination with
me. I know that we don’t LOVE toys they
way we love people, but I want you to pretend with me that all these lego’s in
this box represent a person. (Stick big box of legos in the middle of the room)
Each of us is a little bit different and there are LOTS and LOTS of people in
the world. (Pull out a tiny piece) Now
I have a problem, you see I was going through my legos earlier today and
counting them, and playing with them and stuff, and I discovered that one of my
pieces was missing! It’s a piece that
looks just like this(show really small piece). I REALLY REALLY REALLY like that
piece. Why just yesterday I was using that piece to build this super cool
structure and it was holding these other two pieces together just so perfectly,
and it was doing such a good job! I am just so upset that this piece is
missing, and my life just won’t be the same until I have that piece back!
Now what would you kids do if these were your
toys? Would you care that much about a
tiny little piece? Sometimes it is easy
for us to think that we are just an insignificant person in the world. It’s
easy to feel like we don’t matter, and that God can’t possibly love us because
there are so many people who seem bigger and more important. They might be like this piece(grab piece) or
this one(grab another one) these pieces seem really important. If I compare this
piece(show the one that you grabbed to begin with) to the others, it seem pretty small and unimportant,
but that is not how God feels at all. God loves you, and if you walk away from
God it makes him sad. He will go out looking for you and will NOT stop until he
finds you.
Lets read our Bible story.
Bible Time:
Luke 15:1-7
Then all the tax collectors
and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.2 And the Pharisees and
scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.”
Now the Pharisees and scribes where like the big and important
people. The tax collectors and sinners,
where the people that where considered really small and not important. In fact,people
hated tax collectors and sinners so much, that they didn’t think they were even
worth being alive. Now lets listen to what Jesus tells the big important
3 So He spoke this parable to
them, saying:
4 “What man of you, having a
hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the
wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?
Does that sound kinda familiar to you? Remember our big bin of legos? Remember how concerned I was because I was
missing one lego? You know what? God things you are sooooooooo much more
important that a lego piece. You are like his sheep and he is the Good
Shepherd, so if you wander off he is going to search and search until he finds
you, now lets read about what happens when the Good Shepherd finds his sheep.
5 And when he has found it, he
lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends
and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep
which was lost!’
So what did the Good Shepherd do?
Did he get really mad and beat that sheep? Did he yell at the sheep and make it walk
home all by itself? NO the bible says he
REJOICED! There is another place where Jesus tells this story and it says that
he called his friends and family together and had a great big party, just
because he found his sheep. Isn’t that awesome? Let’s read the rest of the
story okay?
7 I say to you that likewise
there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.
So you see. God was telling the people that thought that they were
big, important, and the best, that they were not any more important. He was
saying that each one of us sheep is important to God and God will do whatever
he can to reach each one of us!
Hey wait…look there is my piece! (get very excited) Oh am soooo excited I could
just jump up and dance! Wow, this is so cool! I think it’s time for a PARTY! What
do you think? Pull out a bunch of
birthday hats and noise makers and hand them out to the kids and have a quick impromptu ‘party’.
Bible Memory :
Let’s review our bible verse again….think about
how this verse shows us the love of the Good Shepherd.
Review memory verse
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart
Invite the children to repeat after you and add actions!
He tends his flock
(Put hands like you are patting sheep on the head)
Like a shepherd
(Make shepherd staff with hand)
He gathers the lambs in his arms
(Motion like you are gathering a lamb into your arm)
And carries them close to his heart
(Put both hands on your heart)
Isaiah 40:11
Hand outs:
Make sure the kids get their take home sheets and
point out anything you want to focus on! There probably won’t be time in this
class to work on them.
Before we go I want each one of you to know that
GOD the Good Shepherd LOVES you! Go
around and say to each child God loves (their name)!
Pray and thank God for being a Good Shepherd that