Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sheep Corral(Joint Assembly)
Day 3
The Good Shepherd Provides for us!
1)      Welcome and call to worship
ANNOUNCER SITTING AT THE FRONT WORKING ON A LONG LIST. (you could have a  long roll of paper, or a bunch of sheets with crumpled paper on the floor everywhere.

Friend-  Um (announcers name), hey (announcers name) are you going to welcome the kids today?
Announcer- What?  Oh, yeah …oh well  um sorry(puts down roll of paper and pen and turns to kids)  Hi Kids! Um….WELCOME to VBS…uhhh…umm…(looks at papers) yeah well Today  we are uh…learning about sheep!
Friend—(announcer’s name) What in all the world where you working on that has you sooo oo distracted anyways?

Announcer—That? (pointing at papers) OH that is my list.

Friend—Your list?

Announcer—Yah my list! You see today we are going to be learning about how God provides for us, and gives us what we want. So I am making a loooooong list of ALL the stuff I want so I can give it to God. I mean if he wants to provide for me then I might start by giving him a list of everything. 


Announcer—You want to see my list? I am trying to make it pretty detailed, I don’t want to leave anything out you know. Do you think it’s long enough?


Announcer—Oh wait I forgot,(goes to write some more things on his list and reads what he is writing) new tractor, oh and a new car, and hmm…oh I have ALWAYS wanted one of those big boats, and maybe a Caribbean cruise, let’s see…anything else….hmmm

Friend—whoa….wait a second there….That is NOT what God is trying to tell us. God isn’t Santa Clause. God DOES provide for us the things that we NEED, but that doesn’t mean he is a genie in the sky pouring down everything that we could ever WANT.  God knows what we need. He knows what we need even better than we do, and if we go to Him for everything, we might even discover that he will give us things we didn’t even know we wanted but are so thankful that he gave to us. How about you have a seat and take a break, and let me explain it a bit.

Announcer—Oh.. Okay , guess I NEED a break!
Friend—Yeah. Welcome to VBS boys and girls!  Today we are going to be learning about a shepherd named Jacob.  God provided for Jacob in some pretty neat ways.  A good shepherd provides for his sheep, he makes sure they have enough food and water. He makes sure they are getting enough exercise, and that they don’t get sick. He makes sure that they have what they need.   God is our Good Shepherd, and he provides for us too.

Now let’s call up the worship leader and worship together.

2)      Worship time:
Suggested songs:
I Just Want to Be a Sheep
The Lord is my Shepherd
My Father’s House

3)      Memory verse
Jake jumps up….ARF  I just LOVE your songs! 
Today is day 3! I want everyone that has memorized any of the extra verses on your take home papers to stand up!(Comment accordingly and encourage the kids that  it’s not to late to do some of the extra bible memory.  Have a copy of the take home paper for today, and show them where the extra verse are. Tell the kids about the special rewards that you have for extra verses.)

Sheep need SOOO much stuff. Like our announcer was saying, sheep need food, water, they need protection—we learned about that yesterday, they need exercise, they need to be sheared when their wool is too long.  Being a shepherd is HARD work, because sheep are needy animals.

Aren’t you glad that God is our Good Shepherd and he provides for us?

Today’s bible verse is  from Ps 23 but remember what our announcer learned today, when it says we won’t want it means that he will provide our needs okay?

Ps 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.
Invite the children to repeat after you and add actions!
The Lord(point up)
Is my shepherd(point to self)
I shall not (shake finger no)
Want(rub tummy like hungry)

4)      Drama intro
(Announcer is back) So God Provides for us. I think I got it. Today’s bible story is about Jacob. No matter what Jacobs Father in law did…God still provided for Jacob, let’s listen
5)      Drama
Coming soon
6)      Response and Closing
Wow…I can see how God used some pretty neat ways to provide for Jacob..God is our Good Shepherd  he Provides for Us too!

7)       Offering Project 
Our offering project is one way that God is going to provide for some people in need.

8)      Prayer
Thank you God our Good Shepherd that you provide for our needs! Thank you for everything you are going to teach us tonight. Help us to listen and learn what you want us to learn!
9)      Send Kids out to the their classes

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