Saturday, December 3, 2016

Day 2
 The Good Shepherd protects me.

Active Learning Time
·         Have a few stuffed animals set up around the room that would be scary to a sheep(ie..lion, tiger, teddy bear) and let the children play pretend sheep, while trying to stay away from the dangers.    You as the leader could move the animals around at some points so that the ‘sheep’ have to move to a different location, or run to the sheep fold to be safe.

·         Get a shepherds staff/stick and start the children in a game of follow the Shepherd (played the same way as follow the leader) with you being the shepherd. Lead the children/sheep away from all the dangers like a good shepherd. Let the children take turns being the shepherd and holding the stick.

Carpet Learning Time
Supplies needed:
·         helper pictures printed out
·         cutouts that are cut out and ready to go Link out for the pictures and cut outs
·         tape

Call each child by name to join you on the carpet for story time. 
Today we are learning that The Good Shepherd protects us!  He can protect us in lots and lots of different ways!
There are a lot of things that can feel really scary. Jesus the Good Shepherd can keep us safe in many different ways, and uses many different people and tools to keep us safe.
If you where in a fire. Would that be really scary? (Allow for response)

YES it would be really really scary.
What kind of person do you think the Good Shepherd would use to keep you safe if you were in a fire?(allow for response)
A firefighter! (Show the picture of a firefighter) that’s right!
What kind of tools does a fire fighter have to help keep you safe?  (Allow for response and talk about the cutouts as you tape them to the picture. )
Thank you God, for giving us firefighters that help keep us safe.

If you ever got really sick or someone you knew got really sick. Would that feel really scary? (Allow for a response)
Who is someone that The Good Shepherd might use to help you if you were sick? (Allow for response)
A doctor or nurse!  (Show picture of doctor and nurse)
What are some of the tools that a doctor or nurse might use to help protect your body if you were sick. (Allow for response and talk about the cutouts as you tape them to the picture.)
Thank you God for the doctors and nurses that you use to help keep my body protected.

When you are really scared who are some people that help to you to feel safe? (Allow for response)
Your parents and caregivers! (Show picture of parents)
What are some things that your parents might use to help you feel safe? (allow for response and talk about the cutouts as you tape them to the picture. )
Thank you God for my parents and all the people that help me feel safe!

The Good Shepherd wants us to be safe, that is why is send us people who will protect us and help us to feel safe!

Now let’s all stand in place and review our Bible verse again!(review Bible verse with the children.)

(point up)
Will keep you
(put hand out like a stop sign)
From all harm
(pound fist into hand)
(point up)
Will watch over
(put hands on forehead as though you are looking for something)
Your life
(put hand on your heart)

Psalm 121:7

Table Learning Time

Supplies needed:
  • Pool noodles cut in half (one for each child) and taped to look like a staff(see picture)
  • Decorative tape or stickers for the children to decorate their noodle
  • crayons
  • Permanent marker(for the teacher to use)
  • handouts for each child
  • cutouts for each child
  • glue

Hand out project:
·         Give each child their hand out for today. Have them glue the cut outs where they belong.
·         Talk about how Jesus the Good Shepherd protects us in lots of different kinds of ways.
·         Make sure you put each child’s name on their take home page.

Craft project:

Say:  In our Bible story we learned that the Good Shepherd used his staff to keep the sheep safe.  Today we are each going to make our own staff.
Supplies needed:
  •  Before class write the word’s  ‘The Good Shepherd’ on the pool noodle
  • Make sure the pool noodle is bent and curved to look like a shepherds staff(tape it curved with clear tape).
  • Have the children decorate their Shepherds staff with stickers or decorative tape
Snack Time

Depending on how you have arranged to do things with the snack department, either have snack time in your room or go to where the watering hole is for snack.

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