Saturday, December 3, 2016

pre k day 5

Day 5
 The Good Shepherd invites me to know him!

Active Learning Time
·         Encourage the kids to decorate their sheep fold for a party.  Allow the kids to hang up streamers or other party supplies that you have brought for them.  Tell them that they will be inviting some special guests for a party later so we need to get ready! Make you’re the kids put the invitation sign on the outside of your door for your special guest.

·         Tell the children that while we are waiting for our special guest we are going to play a party game. Help the children to play pin the tail (or place the wool) on the sheep using cotton balls, tape and the sheep picture here

Carpet Learning Time
Carpet time today should begin with a knock on the door, as you guest comes into class with the invitation on the door and engages the children in end of their active learning time.  Your guest today will be helping with the story, so once the children have been introduced to their guest encourage them to join you on the carpet for a story. 
Guest- Thank you all so very much for the special invitation to your classroom today! It made me feel so special to be invited!
How many of of you have been invited to a birthday party before? (allow for response)
Where you excited when you got the invitation? (allow for response)
Here with me I have several invitations I want us to look at together.
(take some time to go through and read each invitation with the children and allow the kids to imagine how fun each invitation would be to get each invitation is numbered so try to follow the invitations in order)
Now I have an invitation for each one of you! It is a special invitation from Jesus the Good Shepherd! All week you have learned that the Good Shepherd knows you, and protects you, and provides for you and loves you! Today we are learning that the Good Shepherd invites us to know him. He wants to be your very best friend, and live inside of you. (hand each child their invitation and read it to them)
When we get an invitation for something now we have to decide if we want what the invitation says. If we get a birthday invitation then we have to decide if we are going to go to the birthday party right?  Well this invitation is the same way! We all have an invitation to be friends with Jesus the Good Shepherds, but just because we get and invitation doesn’t mean that it’s just going to happen. We have to decide that we want to be friends with Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Now I want you to think about it, and if you want to accept Jesus the Good Shepherd’s invitation and be his friend then I want you to close your eyes and pray this prayer with me okay?

Dear Jesus
I want to accept your invitation.
I want you to be my best  friend.
Thank you for being my friend.
In Jesus Name

Now let’s all stand in place and review our Bible verse again!
the Lamb
(cradle a baby)
of God
(pointing up)
Who takes away
(act like your are taking something with both your hands)
the sin
(make ‘devil’ horns with your fingers on your head)
of the world
(make a ‘globe’ with your hands)
John 1:29

Table Learning Time
supplies needed:

  • wood sheep cutout(here)
  • White bulky yarn
  • String for hanging sheep
  • hand out for each child
  • cutouts for the handout page

Hand out project:
·         Help the Children to glue and invitation next to each sheep so that each she has his own invitation. Glue the special invitation by the children in the picture.
·         Talk about how special invitations are and how the Good Shepherd invites us to know him.
·         Make sure you put each child’s name on their take home page.

Craft project:

Have the children wrap yarn around a the sheep cut out and attach a string so they can hang them.                                                                                                                                                                           link to a list of alternative crafts for day 5

Snack Time
Depending on how you have arranged to do things with the snack department, either have snack time in your room or go to where the watering hole is for snack.

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