Sunday, April 10, 2016

craft and snack

           In this curriculum we will take a week (5 days) to discover what it means to be part of God’s flock, and learn about the Good Shepherd who leads us!  From the Old to the New Testaments the Bible continuously refers to us as sheep, and God as our Good Shepherd. This week we will go on a journey, to discover first, that the Good Shepherd knows us. Then we will learn how the Good Shepherd protects, provides, and loves us. The last day will come full circle as we come to realize that the Good Shepherd invites us to know him!

We are all like sheep!  So fluff up your wool and get ready for some fun!

Welcome to the Craft Barn (craft time)
The Craft Barn is a place where the kids can use their creativity to continue learning about the day’s theme. Each craft is designed to go along with that day lesson/theme and will encourage the child to further understand the lesson. 
We all learn differently. For some children God will really reinforce the lesson in craft time, and for others they might learn more through the game time. That’s okay, it is your job as the Craft Instructor to provide a place where the Children can come and have fun with their creativity!
Please take the time before each lesson to review the theme of the day as well as the memory verse, so that you can direct conversation and questions in such a way that reinforce the lesson.
You are the Craft Barn, so take the time to be as creative as you can at making your space feel like a Barn where you do crafts. 
You will be sharing 30 minutes of time with the Watering Hole (snack time). This means you will have approx. 15 minutes with the children, so plan accordingly, and keep in communication with the snack director.

Here is a pintrest list of ideas to spark your inspiration!

As the Craft Instructor we ask that you:
Prepare! Read through your lesson and make sure you are prepared for your time with the children.
Pray! Pray for the children you will be in contact with this week and ask God to use you to touch their lives in a special way.

Be creative!  After all this is the craft barn! 
Have Fun!  If you are having fun, the children will have fun too!

Welcome to the Watering Hole (snack time)
The Watering Hole is a place where the Children can come and have a snack break during their time at VBS. The snack suggestions for each day fit in with the theme of the lesson each day.
Please take the time before each lesson to review the theme of the day as well as the memory verse, so that you can direct conversation and questions in such a way that reinforce the lesson.
Your space is the Watering Hole and the theme of VBS this year is sheep, so use your creativity to make the space you have feel like a sheep watering hole.  Perhaps this is a good time to dig out your churches manger (from Christmas) and serve your snacks from there??  Be creative and let God inspire you!
You will be sharing 30 minutes of time with the Craft Barn (craft time). This means you will have approx. 15 minutes with the children, so plan accordingly, and keep in communication with the craft instructor.
Here is a pintrest list of ideas to spark your inspiration!

As the Snack Director we ask that you:
Prepare!  Look at the snack suggestion, and how it fits in with that day’s theme. Then plan accordingly.
Pray! Pray for the children you will be in contact with this week and ask God to use you to touch their lives in a special way.
Enjoy! Enjoy the opportunity to serve the children and interact with them.
Have Fun!  If you are having fun, the children will have fun too!

VBS  Overview
Bible Memory
Bible Story


The Good Shepherd knows us!

John 10:14
I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me.

John 10
Jesus teaches us that he is the Good Shepherd and he knows each one of us by name!


The Good Shepherd protects us!

Psalm 122:7
The LORD will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life.

Psalm 23
David is a good shepherd and he protects his sheep just like the God protects us


The Good Shepherd provides for us!

Ps 23:1
The lord is my Shepherd I shall not want

Genesis 30
God provides for Jacob even when he is being tricked


The Good Shepherd loves us!

Isaiah 40:11
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart.

Luke 15
The Good Shepherd will go out searching for a lost sheep because he loves them.


The Good Shepherd invites us to know Him

John 1:29
Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!

Luke 2
God invites the shepherds to see the baby Jesus

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