Sunday, April 24, 2016

day 3 devotional

Today’s Overview:
Bible Memory
Bible Story


The Good Shepherd provides for us!

Ps 23:1
The lord is my Shepherd I shall not want

Genesis 30
God provides for Jacob even when he is being tricked

I am sitting outside with my laptop writing, in the shade a tall tree. I can hear the birds singing, and my children playing. As I look up at this giant tree, I just simply enjoy the serenity of the moment.  Into my spirit the Good Shepherd whispers to me. “I thought of you when I planted that tree.”
Wow…the profoundness of this. That God would in his intimate wisdom provide me with at tree to write under.  This tree of provision is probably 50-60 years old! Before I was conceived or even thought about by humankind, God was already providing for me.  I love that! I wonder as I sit here what other kinds of provision The Good Shepherd has given me that I don’t even think about, much less thank Him for, yet he has still provided for me.  
Of course there are the obvious provisions that I can rattle off without thinking to hard….food, shelter, health, etc….and it is true that I am very grateful for these. Many people in other locations of the world are not so fortunate, but what of the other ‘trees’ in my life that the loving Good Shepherd has lavished us.  Today why not start of list of your ‘trees’.
  I will give you some of mine to help get you started.
·         The resources available while writing this curriculum.
·         The  laptop I am typing on right now.
·         The song bird that is serenading me as I write.
·         The laughter of my children.
·         The comfort of the sweater I am wearing.
   And the list could go on and on!
Today in our Bible story we will learn about Jacob. (Genesis 30) God in his mercy provided for Jacob and his family with some unusual methods. An overview of the life of Jacob, would show a man who many might not view as worthy of God’s gracious provision. He could easily be thought of as schemer, liar, trickster, and even a thief. Yet still we can see God’s hand on his life and provision for Jacob and his family.

I am so grateful that even in the moments when my behavior says I don’t deserve it. The Good Shepherd still provides for me. Now it’s time to start your own provision list.

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