Sunday, July 26, 2015

Back to the corral…closing
Day 1 The Good Shepherd Knows me.

1)      Welcome back

As the students come back into the Corral welcome the back class by class. 
Announcer:           Welcome Back to the Corral everyone…did you have a fun? (allow for response)
Are you all Sheep experts now? (allow for response.)
I Hope you are had an awesome time tonight, and that you tell all your friends where all the excitement is this week. Make sure to invite them to come tomorrow!
2)      Closing Song(optional)

Pick one or two of the songs from the worship time ..

3)      Offering and Attendance report

Okay its time for our Offering and attendance report!
Tell the kids how many boys vs girls attended vbs and report on the offering totals(if you are having a boy vs girl contest with this you can discuss this as well)
4)      Bible Memory review

Have the kids review their memory verse one more time.
I am the good shepherd I know my sheep and my sheep know me
Invite the children to repeat after you and add actions!
I am the Good Shepherd
 (kids make a shepherd staff with their hands)
(point at self)
Know my sheep
(point at each other)
And my sheep 
(point at each other)
Know me
(point at self)
John 10:14
5)      Closing Prayer

Before we all head home lets close this VBS in prayer!
Good Shepherd,
Thank you for knowing us. Thank you for all the awesome things we learned to day at VBS and please help us to be able to come back tomorrow to learn more about you!
In Jesus Name

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