Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 2 The Good Shepherd protects me!
Sheep Corral (Joint Assembly)

Supplies needed:
  • ·        Shepherd outfit, staff and rod
  • ·        video/music to play for intro
  • ·        drama video
  • ·        Bible(for announcer)
  • ·        worship songs(see worship time for links)
  • ·        Bible memory Power Point

Advance preparation:
·        Read the devotional and the scripture for the day.
·        Make sure all your technology is ready to go.
·        Familiarize yourself with the appropriate skits etc.

1)      Gathering
·         As the children enter help have some clips of sheep playing running and music playing. links here.
·         Help each child find their seat with their group and group leader.  Make sure the children are introduced to their group leader so that they feel welcomed.
·        Introduce yourself and tell the kids how excited you are to have them at VBS this year

2)      Welcome and call to worship(Announcer)
(Comes in dressed like a shepherd and carrying a shepherds staff, and maybe a slingshot tucked into his belt)
Hi everyone! 
Welcome to Day 2 of VBS!  Don’t I look good?  I thought I would dress up today to look just like a Shepherd.  I got on a cool shepherd looking head piece and a shepherds coat and everything!  Not sure what this(wave staff around) is for, but  in all the pictures of bible shepherds I saw the Shepherd carrying one so I figured it was a good decoration. 
Today we are going to be learning about how the Good Shepherd protects us, and I can’t wait!  But let’s start our time out together with a bit of praise and worship.
(this introduction may seem short but the Sheepology Skit will be a bit longer today)

3)      Worship time:
Have the worship leader lead the kids in worship (2-3 songs):

4)      Offering Project
Review the amount of money collected on Day 1 and encourages the kids to see who can raise the most!

5)      SHEEPOLOGY 101
Announcer:        You know what? I have been thinking.  I like the music we sang today! I watched a show one time and there was a conductor guy waving a stick to lead the people signing. Maybe this shepherd stick is used for leading the sheep in BAAAing practice. I will be the sheep conductor, shepherd person, and you can be the sheep and practice your BAAAing! 
Get the kids to practice BAAAing with you as you lead them. Have them do soft BAAAing for little waves of your staff, and loud BAAAs for big waves of your staff, etc.   You could get the kids to BAAA only when you point to them and so on!
                (Jake comes running  after a little bit of this BAAAing practice)
Jake:      RUFF…. GRRR… What is wrong? 
Announcer:        What do you mean?  There is nothing wrong!
Jake:      Well it sounds like someone is dying in here.
Announcer:        Oh, (laughs) no we were just practicing our BAAAing.  Don’t we sound awesome! Come on everyone lets show him. (have kids show Jake how they BAAA on cue) BAAA BAAA BAA
Jake:      (covering his ears) RUFF Okay okay okay I hear you!  It’s no wonder I came running! After all I am a sheep dog, and when the sheep start making lots of noise it is a warning that they might be in trouble.
Announcer:        Nope. No one is in trouble here. But I guess it is time for you to give us our sheepology lesson today!
Jake:      Okay, while seeing as we are talking about trouble. I will tell you what happens when the sheep get into trouble. When there are dangers around it is good for the sheep to stay close to the shepherd.   Sometimes when sheep get scared they start to panic, but when they listen and hear the shepherds voice, it helps them to calm down. A lot of the time the Shepherd will use his rod and staff to protect the sheep.
Announcer:        Staff?  What is that?
Jake:      Your holding one!  The shepherd will use that to help keep the sheep safe.
Announcer:        You mean it’s not a shepherd conductor wand for leading BAAAing choir?
Jake:      I have never met a shepherd yet that uses it to lead the sheep in BAAAing! A staff is for protection!
Announcer:        Okay!  Well thanks Jake. We love all the stuff we are learning from you!
Jake waves bye and walks off stage

6)      Drama intro
Today for our Bible story we are going to learn about a special shepherd in the Bible.  His name was David. David spent a lot of time out in the pasture with his sheep keeping them safe and helping them. While David worked with his sheep he also learned a lot about how God protects him, and is his Good Shepherd.

7)      Drama

     Today there are two dramas. The first is a power point video that you can play, and then I have included two different video's of Psalm 23. Another option would be to have a child or an adult read or quote it for the children.
link for drama video
link for psalm 23 video option 1 and option 2

8)      Memory verse
  We are like sheep. Sometimes we get scared and sometimes we get in trouble.  God tells us in the Bible that He is the Good Shepherd and He will protect us. Today our Bible verse is:

(Display bible verse power point for today) Psalm 121:7 The LORD will keep you from all harm-- he will watch over your life;

Yesterday we learned that a good shepherd knows his sheep.  When you get to know someone and you learn to care about them, then you want to keep them safe! Well do you know what?  God is the Good Shepherd. He knows us and cares about us soooooo much that he wants to keep us safe too!  Lets learn the verse together

Psalm 121:7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life
Invite the children to repeat after you and add actions!
(point up)
Will keep you
(put hand out like a stop sign)
From all harm
(pound fist into hand)
(point up)
Will watch over
(put hands on forehead as though you are looking for something)
Your life
(put hand on your heart)
Psalm 121:7

9)      Response and Closing
What do you think?  Do you get scared sometimes? I know I do. I am excited to learn more about how the Good Shepherd protects us

10)  Prayer
Thank you God our Good Shepherd that you will protect us. Thank you that you will protect all of us today at VBS. Please help us to listen and learn today. In Jesus Name Amen

11)   Dismiss  kids to their classes

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