Day 3 The Good Shepherd provides for me!
Sheep Corral (Joint Assembly)
Supplies needed:
List/ papers for announcer skit and Jake’s
Sheepology lesson
Costumes for the drama
Copy of the take home hand out
Read the devotional and the scripture for the
Make sure all your technology is ready to go.
Familiarize yourself with the appropriate skits
As the children enter help have some clips of
sheep playing running and music playing. link to some suggestions
Help each child find their seat with their group
and group leader. Make sure the children
are introduced to their group leader so that they feel welcomed.
Introduce yourself and tell the kids how excited
you are to have them at VBS this year
2) Welcome and call to worship
Announcer: sitting at a desk working on a long list (You
could have a long roll of paper, or a
bunch of sheets with crumpled paper on the floor everywhere.
Friend: Um (announcer’s
name), hey (announcer’s name) are you going to welcome the kids today?
What? Oh, yeah …oh well um sorry(puts
down roll of paper and pen and turns to kids)
Hi Kids! Um….WELCOME to VBS…uhhh…umm…(looks at papers) yeah well
Today we are uh…learning about sheep!
Friend: (announcer’s name.) What in the world where you working on
that has you sooooo distracted anyways?
Announcer: That? (Pointing at papers) OH, that is my list!
Friend: Your list?
Announcer: Yah my list! You see today we are
going to be learning about how God provides for us, and gives us what we want.
So I am making a loooooong list of ALL the stuff I want so I can give it to
God. I mean if he wants to provide for me then I might start by giving him a
list of everything.
Friend: Ummmmm
Announcer: (interrupting friend) You want to
see my list? I am trying to make it pretty detailed, I don’t want to leave
anything out you know. Do you think it’s long enough?
Friend: Ummmmm
Announcer: (Interrupting again)Oh wait I forgot,(goes to write
some more things on his list and reads what he is writing) new tractor, oh and
a new car, and hmm…oh I have ALWAYS wanted one of those big boats, and maybe a Caribbean
cruise, let’s see…anything else….hmmm
Friend: whoa….wait a second there….That is NOT what God is trying to
tell us. God isn’t Santa Clause. God DOES provide for us the things that we
NEED, but that doesn’t mean he is a genie in the sky pouring down everything
that we could ever WANT. God knows what
we need. He knows what we need even better than we do. Sometimes he gives us
what we want and sometimes he gives us things we didn’t even know we wanted. How
about you have a seat and take a break, and let me explain it a bit.
Announcer: Oh.. Okay, guess I NEED a break!
Friend: Yeah. (turning to kids and taking over)
Welcome to VBS boys and girls!
Today we are going to be learning about a shepherd named Jacob. God provided for Jacob in some pretty neat
ways. A good shepherd provides for his
sheep, he makes sure they have enough food and water. He makes sure they are
getting enough exercise, and that they don’t get sick. He makes sure that they
have what they need. God is our Good
Shepherd, and he provides for us too.
Now let’s call up the worship leader and worship together.
Have the worship leader lead the kids in worship
Limit it to two songs today to make up for the time of the Bible lesson
and skits today.
4) Offering Project
should really be done by the ‘friend’ as well, or at leas not by the announcer
Our offering project is one
way that God is going to provide for some people in need.
5) Sheepology
(walking in with a list and a pen kind of muttering to himself)
Friend: Oh no
not ANOTHER list! What is it with the
lists today?
Jake: What?
I am just making sure we got all our
stuff done for the day. Sheep are pretty needy creatures after all.
Really? Can you tell us about it? What do sheep need anyways?
Jake: (using
list as a reference and checking it off as he goes)RUFF Sure!
Well let’s see (looking at list) sheep need to be feed the right kind of
food at the right times. Sheep have really sensitive stomachs and so the
Shepherd needs to be careful that the sheep gets the right things they need…..Then
um (looking at list again) Sheep always need to have fresh clean water. They
won’t drink from a dirty water trough or stream. (Looking down at list)Oh, and
sheep need shelter. Just the right kind of shelter too…not to boxed in, and not
to open, but just right. Sheep need exercise and to be lead to the right
pasture at the right time. Then there is always extra stuff the Shepherd needs
to do to keep the sheep healthy, you know like not letting their wool get to
long, or taking proper care of their feet, or helping the mamma sheep called
an ewe when it is time for the baby lambs to be born.
Friend: (interrupting
Jake) Wow that sounds like a lot of stuff! Sounds like it is a lot of work to
take care of sheep and provide for them.
Jake: Yep,
providing for sheep is a full time job but that’s what Shepherds do!
Friend: Thanks
Jake. I love all the sheepology lessons!
Jake: Your
welcome, bye! (waves and walks off stage)
Friend: You
know Just like a good shepherd provides for the needs of his sheep, in the same
way God is our Good Shepherd and he does a good job providing for us!
6) Drama intro
Announcer: (back from break) So God provides for
us. I think I got it. Today’s bible story is about Jacob. No matter what Jacobs
Father in law did…God still provided for Jacob, let’s listen
7) Drama
This drama could be acted out and planned before
hand or you could use this story to do and impromptu drama using volunteers
from the audience.
Signs with stripes and dots
Signs that are white
Narrator(this could be your announcer or MC
Here is
Jacob. He follows God
(Jacob comes in dressed like a shepherd and
waving at people)
works for his father in law Labon caring for his goats and sheep.
(Labon walks in and waves and stands on the other
side of the stage)
Jacob has a BIG family and doesn’t make a
lot of money at his job. So Jacob comes up with a plan so that he can watch God
provide for him.
(Jacob acts like he is thinking and coming up
with a good idea)
Jacob goes to Labon and says, “Hey Labon, I have an idea. How
about instead of paying me money you just pay me by giving me all the spotted or
stripped animals when they are born. That way you’re heard will be the best and
pettiest and most spotless heard there is in the whole land.”
(Jacob goes up to Labon and is talking to him )
thinks about this idea. Labon is selfish and greedy. He wants to have the best
heard, and most of the animals that are already really nice, so that means he
might not have to give Jacob hardly any animals for all his work. Labon like
this idea and says “Yeah, It’s a deal”
(Labon thinks about it, then gives a thumbs up
and shakes hands with Jacob)
goes off to take care of Labon’s animals.
God gives Jacob the idea to put up signs up where the animals eat and
drink that have big dots and stripes on them. So that is what Jacob does.
(Jacob puts out signs with dots and stripes on
what? When the baby animals are born almost ALL of them have spots or stripes
on them. So Jacob got almost ALL of Labon’s animals!
(Jacob is happy)
This happened for a little bit but pretty soon
Labon noticed.
made Labon grumpy. Labon said NO NO NO
NO I change my mind. I want the stripped
and spotted sheep and you can have the plain ones.
(Labon shakes his head says no and points to
Jacob acting out he words)
So Jacob
only gets the spotless animals. But right always he changes the signs to plain
(Jacob looks grumpy but changes signs to plain
Do you
know what happened? The next time animals started only having plain babies, and
not very many spotted ones. So Jacob started getting more and more animals
(Jacob is happy again)
But it
didn’t take long before Labon noticed it again, and changed his mind.
(Labon shakes his head ‘no’) and points to the
In fact
we the Bible tells us that this happened lots of times!
(Labon and Jacob act this out a few more times
where Jacob keeps changing the signs and Labon keeps changing his mind, until
Jacob plops on the ground exhausted)
But every time Labon changed his mind, God
still provided for Jacob. In fact when it was time for Jacob and his family to
move away, the Bible says that Jacob was a very rich man, because God had
provided for him in lots of ways.
(Jacob gathers his sheep and signs and walks off
the stage waving at Labon)
8) Memory
Today is day 3!
I want
everyone that has memorized any of the extra verses on your take home papers to
stand up!(Comment accordingly and encourage the kids that it’s not to late to do some of the extra
bible memory. Have a copy of the take
home paper for today, and show them where the extra verse are. Tell the kids
about the special rewards that you have for extra verses.)
Sheep need SOOO much stuff, but a good shepherd
provides for his sheep.
Aren’t you glad that God is our Good Shepherd and
he provides for us?
Today’s bible verse is from Ps 23 but remember what our announcer learned today, when
Ps 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.
the children to repeat after you and add actions!
The Lord
(point up)
Is my
(point to self)
I shall
(shake finger no)
(rub tummy like hungry)
9) Response and Closing
Announcer: I can see how God used some pretty neat ways
to provide for Jacob..God is our Good Shepherd he provides for us too! Today as you go about the rest of VBS I want
you to pay attention to how the Good Shepherd provides for us!
10) Prayer
Thank you God our Good Shepherd that you provide
for our needs! Thank you for everything you are going to teach us tonight. Help
us to listen and learn what you want us to learn!
11) Send Kids out to the their classes
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