Day 1 The Good Shepherd knows me!
Sheep Corral (Joint Assembly)
Supplies needed:
to play for intro
songs(see worship time for links)
memory Power Point
Advance Preparation:
the devotional and scripture for today .
sure all your technology is ready to go.
yourself with the appropriate skits etc.
about the offering project.
As the children enter have some clips of sheep
playing running and music playing ---click for link---
Help each child find their seat with their group
and group leader. Make sure the children
are introduced to their group leader so that they feel welcomed.
Introduce yourself and tell the kids how excited
you are to have them at VBS this year
and call to worship (Announcer)
We are sheep. The Bible tells us that.
We all have soft fuzzy wool and cute triangle ears. We eat
grass, run through pastures and of course we ALL as say BAAAA…right? (Allow for response)
Wait, why are you laughing?
Some of you older kids…I can see you rolling your eyes at me. I am serious…the Bible tells us we are
See I will prove it!
Let’s look it up. (Open Bible and begin looking through it)
Ah here it is, Psalm 100:3. Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are
his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
See the Bible says we are sheep! Here is another verse. (look through Bible
again and begin reading, but slow down when you get to the word ‘like’)
Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for
them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
‘Like sheep’….hmmm…
Okay so maybe we aren’t actually sheep. But the Bible does tell us we are LIKE sheep!
Actually, there are lots and lots of places in the Bible that
talk about us being like sheep!
This year the whole theme of our VBS will be sheep! Sheep, Sheep,
Sheep, Sheep, Sheep. We will have sheep snacks, sheep crafts, sheep games,
sheep bible verses, sheep songs, sheep stories and sheep EVERYTHING!
Okay, well maybe not sheep EVERYTHING, but for sure this week
we are going to have an awesome time as we learn all about sheep.
The first thing we will learn about sheep is this:
Sheep need a Shepherd!
We are like sheep and so we need a Shepherd to! God is our Shepherd. He even calls Himself the
Good Shepherd. We will learn all about that in today’s Bible story!
But before we listen to our Bible story lets stand and
Have the worship leader lead the kids in worship (2-3 songs):
Because the Bible Story is slightly shorter today, you could
choose to add one or two extra songs.
Explain to the kids where
the money will be going that you collect during VBS. I have listed
two sheep themed offering projects from Samaritan's purse for possible
suggestions. You could decide to earn enough to send a sheep to a needy
family in the third world (or several), or do a boys vs girls contest, to see
who can send the most Shoe Box Sheep. Make offering a fun challenge!
Sheepology Skit
Jake: (starting
out excited but also a bit like a know it all) Hi Kids! My name is Jake. I heard that you are learning about sheep
this year at VBS! Well I decided to come help because----RRRRUUUFFF! I am a sheep dog, and I know you will need MY
help because I know LOTS about sheep. I
mean I spend day after day after day out in the pasture helping the shepherd
with the sheep. I mean really….RUFF I
know so much about sheep that you could pretty much call me a sheep genius,
RUFF , if you have a question about sheep I AM YOUR MAN…RUFF I mean DOG! Let’s just call our time
together…RUFF..sheepology 101! If you
got sheep questions, I got answers.
Announcer: That’s great Jake! Hey our
bible story today talks about something called a sheep rustler. Can you tell me what that is?
Jake: (acting agitated) RUFF grrrr…sheep
rustlers are horrible and nasty. All they want to do is steal sheep! Why they
don’t care one iota about sheep. A sheep
rustler will come in the middle of the night, and scare the sheep half to
death. Then, when the sheep are all spooked they load them up in to trucks and
drive off with them. Grrr…got to watch out for those sheep rustlers!
Announcer: Wow, thanks Jake. Do you have any other
things we need to know about sheep today?
Jake: RUFF,
well one thing I know is that sheep need a shepherd. When sheep have a shepherd that knows them
really good, they are happy, and healthy, and are able to do all that sheep do.
And of course having a good sheep dog helps to…RUFF!
Announcer: hmm…that’s great! Thanks Jake! I am so glad
you are here to help this week! I am looking forward to all the things we will
learn about sheep from you!
Jake: Waves and walks off stage.
Today’s Bible Story is from the book of John
chapter 10.
Just like
Jake said, sheep need a Shepherd. A Shepherd leads and guides the sheep, and a
really good shepherd knows his sheep very well.
God tells us that He is our Shepherd.
God is a Good Shepherd, and he knows us very, very well. Let’s listen to the story to learn more.
Play drama from this be added
(put up Bible Memory slide for today)
The Bible has lots to say about sheep, so every
day we are going to learn a new Bible verse about sheep! Is that okay with you? (Wait for response.)
Today’s Bible verse comes
from John 10:14 and it is the words of Jesus!
That means that this Bible verse is what Jesus told us.
It says:
I am the Good Shepherd. I
know my sheep and my sheep know me John 10:14
Invite the children to repeat after you and add
I am the
Good Shepherd
make a shepherd staff with their hands)
at self)
Know my sheep
at each other)
And my
(point at each other)
Know me
(point to self)
John 10:14
and Closing
So there you have it…we are all like sheep. And God our Good Shepherd
KNOWS us! We will learn more about this as we go through the night. Remember the
Good Shepherd KNOWS us
10) Prayer
Thank you God our Good Shepherd that you know us.
Thank you that you know each one of us. Please help us to learn more about this
Dismiss kids to their classes
Day 1 The Good Shepherd knows me!
Sheep Corral (Joint Assembly)
Supplies needed:
to play for intro
songs(see worship time for links)
memory Power Point
Advance Preparation:
the devotional and scripture for today .
sure all your technology is ready to go.
yourself with the appropriate skits etc.
about the offering project.
As the children enter have some clips of sheep
playing running and music playing ---click for link---
Help each child find their seat with their group
and group leader. Make sure the children
are introduced to their group leader so that they feel welcomed.
Introduce yourself and tell the kids how excited
you are to have them at VBS this year
and call to worship (Announcer)
We are sheep. The Bible tells us that.
We all have soft fuzzy wool and cute triangle ears. We eat
grass, run through pastures and of course we ALL as say BAAAA…right? (Allow for response)
Wait, why are you laughing?
Some of you older kids…I can see you rolling your eyes at me. I am serious…the Bible tells us we are
See I will prove it!
Let’s look it up. (Open Bible and begin looking through it)
Ah here it is, Psalm 100:3. Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are
his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
See the Bible says we are sheep! Here is another verse. (look through Bible
again and begin reading, but slow down when you get to the word ‘like’)
Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for
them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
‘Like sheep’….hmmm…
Okay so maybe we aren’t actually sheep. But the Bible does tell us we are LIKE sheep!
Actually, there are lots and lots of places in the Bible that
talk about us being like sheep!
This year the whole theme of our VBS will be sheep! Sheep, Sheep,
Sheep, Sheep, Sheep. We will have sheep snacks, sheep crafts, sheep games,
sheep bible verses, sheep songs, sheep stories and sheep EVERYTHING!
Okay, well maybe not sheep EVERYTHING, but for sure this week
we are going to have an awesome time as we learn all about sheep.
The first thing we will learn about sheep is this:
Sheep need a Shepherd!
We are like sheep and so we need a Shepherd to! God is our Shepherd. He even calls Himself the
Good Shepherd. We will learn all about that in today’s Bible story!
But before we listen to our Bible story lets stand and
Have the worship leader lead the kids in worship (2-3 songs):
Because the Bible Story is slightly shorter today, you could
choose to add one or two extra songs.
Explain to the kids where
the money will be going that you collect during VBS. I have listed
two sheep themed offering projects from Samaritan's purse for possible
suggestions. You could decide to earn enough to send a sheep to a needy
family in the third world (or several), or do a boys vs girls contest, to see
who can send the most Shoe Box Sheep. Make offering a fun challenge!
Sheepology Skit
Jake: (starting
out excited but also a bit like a know it all) Hi Kids! My name is Jake. I heard that you are learning about sheep
this year at VBS! Well I decided to come help because----RRRRUUUFFF! I am a sheep dog, and I know you will need MY
help because I know LOTS about sheep. I
mean I spend day after day after day out in the pasture helping the shepherd
with the sheep. I mean really….RUFF I
know so much about sheep that you could pretty much call me a sheep genius,
RUFF , if you have a question about sheep I AM YOUR MAN…RUFF I mean DOG! Let’s just call our time
together…RUFF..sheepology 101! If you
got sheep questions, I got answers.
Announcer: That’s great Jake! Hey our
bible story today talks about something called a sheep rustler. Can you tell me what that is?
Jake: (acting agitated) RUFF grrrr…sheep
rustlers are horrible and nasty. All they want to do is steal sheep! Why they
don’t care one iota about sheep. A sheep
rustler will come in the middle of the night, and scare the sheep half to
death. Then, when the sheep are all spooked they load them up in to trucks and
drive off with them. Grrr…got to watch out for those sheep rustlers!
Announcer: Wow, thanks Jake. Do you have any other
things we need to know about sheep today?
Jake: RUFF,
well one thing I know is that sheep need a shepherd. When sheep have a shepherd that knows them
really good, they are happy, and healthy, and are able to do all that sheep do.
And of course having a good sheep dog helps to…RUFF!
Announcer: hmm…that’s great! Thanks Jake! I am so glad
you are here to help this week! I am looking forward to all the things we will
learn about sheep from you!
Jake: Waves and walks off stage.
Today’s Bible Story is from the book of John
chapter 10.
Just like
Jake said, sheep need a Shepherd. A Shepherd leads and guides the sheep, and a
really good shepherd knows his sheep very well.
God tells us that He is our Shepherd.
God is a Good Shepherd, and he knows us very, very well. Let’s listen to the story to learn more.
Play drama from this be added
(put up Bible Memory slide for today)
The Bible has lots to say about sheep, so every
day we are going to learn a new Bible verse about sheep! Is that okay with you? (Wait for response.)
Today’s Bible verse comes
from John 10:14 and it is the words of Jesus!
That means that this Bible verse is what Jesus told us.
It says:
I am the Good Shepherd. I
know my sheep and my sheep know me John 10:14
Invite the children to repeat after you and add
I am the
Good Shepherd
make a shepherd staff with their hands)
at self)
Know my sheep
at each other)
And my
(point at each other)
Know me
(point to self)
John 10:14
and Closing
So there you have it…we are all like sheep. And God our Good Shepherd
KNOWS us! We will learn more about this as we go through the night. Remember the
Good Shepherd KNOWS us
10) Prayer
Thank you God our Good Shepherd that you know us.
Thank you that you know each one of us. Please help us to learn more about this
Dismiss kids to their classes
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