DAY `1 The Good Shepherd KNOWS US
The Sheep Fold(Bible Lesson)
Day 1 hand outs
Pencils to write with
Read the Day 1 devotional for VBS staff
Read the Day 1 devotional for VBS staff
Print and cut out flash cards (it would be preferable to use card stock to print)
Familiarize yourself with the story and theme of the day
the children and encourage them to gather around you. Invite them into a
discussion with some of these questions.
Have you
ever been mistaken for someone else like a sibling or cousin?
How did
that make you feel? Did the person who
had you confused with someone else know you very well?
I have a
bunch of flash cards, that I want to show you really quick. Each card has a picture
of a sheep and when I show it to you I will tell you want the sheep’s name is then I want you to see how many names you can remember. (do this)
Now I am going to go through this again and this time I am going to give you their name and and some information about the sheep. Then we will see if it is easier to remember the names of the sheep. Go through the cards, and see how much the kids can remember.
Now I am going to go through this again and this time I am going to give you their name and and some information about the sheep. Then we will see if it is easier to remember the names of the sheep. Go through the cards, and see how much the kids can remember.
Was that
hard? Why? Was it easier the first time or the second time? Why do you think that was? Do you think that if you spent every day and
night with these sheep that you would
have known them better? What if you had raised each one of these sheep
from birth?
Bible Time:
I want
to read to you from John 10
1 "I tell you the truth, the man who does not
enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief
and a robber. 2 The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd
of his sheep. 3 The watchman opens the gate for him, and the
sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on
ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact,
they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice.
Sometimes in Bible Times, a group of Shepherds would put
all their sheep together a night. This would help the sheep to stay safe,
because they were together, and they could be in a really strong sheep fold,
and nothing could get at them. In the morning time the each shepherd would come
to the gate and get his own sheep and take them out to the pasture to eat. Each shepherd had to know his own sheep so he
took the right ones out. He had to know each individual sheep so that he didn’t
accidentally take someone else’s sheep. The shepherd spent so much time with the
sheep that he recognized each one and the sheep knew who their shepherd was and
knew to follow his voice, kind of like maybe your pet dog might recognize and
know to come to you and not someone else.
God knows us in the same way. He knows every single thing
about us. He knows what we look like, how we feel, and what we do and don’t
like. He knows when we are happy and knows when we are upset.
Let’s keep reading from John 10
.14 "I
am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me-- 15 just
as the Father knows me and I know the Father--and I lay down my life for the
that neat? Jesus is calling himself the
Good Shepherd. He tells us that He knows us just as well as He knows his
Father. That is really really really
well. And he cares so much for us that he would even allow himself to be put in
danger to save us.
really good shepherd can tell right away if there is something wrong with one
of his sheep. He can tell right away if
a sheep is limping, or looking sick, or hungry.
God is our Good Shepherd and he knows right away if there is something
wrong, he knows how we feel and He knows how to help us.
Bible Memory :
memory verse
am the Good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me John 10:14
I am the Good Shepherd
(kids make a shepherd staff with their hands)
(point at self)
Know my sheep
(point at each other)
And my sheep
(point at each other)
Know me
(point to self)
John 10:14
Have the kids work on their bible memory paper
and make sure to point out the ‘extra credit’ verses on their paper, explain
whatever prizes, reward system is set up for memorizing the extra verses at
home and saying them to their group leader the next day.
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