Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 2 The Good Shepherd protects me!
Pasture Time (game time)


 SAY :Today we will be playing a game called Clump.  When sheep feel threatened they always ‘clump’ or huddle together to stay safe. The safest place for the sheep to be is with each other and with the shepherd.  When we have trouble in life the best thing for us to do is surround ourselves with good Christian friends and run to Jesus.

Supplies needed:
A ‘shepherd’ (this could be a cardboard cutout, a scare crow, or another leader that moves around.

Everyone stand at least 5 feet away from each other.  When the leader yells CLUMP (and some number) everyone has to huddle together in that number and together run to the ‘shepherd’ If there is a group that can’t make that number then they are out. The goal is to be the last group of two standing.

For example, if the leader yells CLUMP 5 then everyone must get into groups of five and run to the ‘shepherd’.  Anyone who doesn’t get into a group is out for the game. 

1 comment:

  1. "If you are a 'water game' kind of VBS..." I like that.
    Great Activity
