Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 4 The Good Shepherd loves me!
Sheep Corral (Joint Assembly)

Supplies needed:
  • ·        Large pom pom or fuzz ball

 Advance Preparation:
  • ·        Read the devotional and scripture for today .
  • ·        Make sure all your technology is ready to go.
  • ·        Familiarize yourself with the appropriate skits etc.
  • ·        Learn about the offering project. 
1)      Gathering
·         As the children enter have some clips of sheep playing running and music playing. Find some links here.
·         Help each child find their seat with their group and group leader.  Make sure the children are introduced to their group leader so that they feel welcomed.

2)      Welcome and call to worship
Hi kids, welcome to VBS!  Have you been having fun so far? (Wait for response)
 I know I have. What has been your favorite part been so far (get kids to yell out their responses).  Wow that’s a whole lot of fun, and today is going to be awesome too!
Let’s see can you all remember what the lessons for each day have been?
(See if kids can help you remember)
Day 1 the Good Shepherd knows us!
Day 2 the Good Shepherd protects us!
Day 3 the Good Shepherd provides for us!
                WOW! The Good Shepherd really cares for us! It’s like he REALLY REALLY loves us!
Oh wait, HA that’s funny because today that’s what we are learning …. We are learning that the Good Shepherd LOVES us!
 Just think about it for a moment.  GOD, the creator of the WHOLE universe is OUR Good Shepherd, and he LOVES us! 
(Getting really excited)Yep when I really stop to think about that, it makes me want to jump and shout.  It makes me want to twirl around in circle! It makes me want to tell everyone!  YEAH!!!
But mostly it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.(reach into shirt pocket, and pull out a large pom pom)  Wait…not that kind of warm and fuzzy, the kind of warm and fuzzy that makes me feel like I am someone pretty special. (large contented sigh)
Worship leader approaches…( if the announcer leads worship then he can just contentedly invite everyone to worship)
Worship leader:                               Um maybe it’s time for some worship?
Announcer:        Oh yeah worship…sounds good.

3)      Worship time:
Have the worship leader lead the kids in worship(2-3 songs):
Start off today with a slow song just to keep the effect going a bit. (I have included a Jesus loves me in the playlist) Perhaps a traditional line of Jesus loves me, and then move into something more up beat

4)      Offering Project
  Explain to the kids where the money will be going that you collect during VBS. I have listed two sheep themed offering projects from Samaritan's purse for possible suggestions.  You could decide to earn enough to send a sheep to a needy family in the third world (or several), or do a boys vs girls contest, to see who can send the most Shoe Box Sheep. Make offering a fun challenge!

5)      Sheepology

Jake:          (coming in yawning and tired and sleepily talking) YAWN ruff…hi kids what can I tell you in your Sheepology lesson today?

Announcer:            Well today we are learning about how the Good Shepherd loves us! So maybe you can tell us how a good shepherd loves his sheep? Why are you looking so sleepy Jake?

Jake:          YAWN. Oh, well I am pretty tired. I was up all night with the shepherd looking for a lost sheep. We were all over the place looking for our lost sheep.  

Announcer:            Oh, did you find the sheep?

Jake:          YAWN RUFF(acting a little more excited) Yeah! He was stuck between two rocks so we had to work on getting him out but in the early hours of the morning we found him!

Announcer:            Wow you and the Shepherd looked all night?

Jake:          Yeah….YAWN that is what a good shepherd does. A good shepherd  knows that there are all kind of dangers out there for a lost sheep.  He loves his sheep and will go out and search for a sheep when it’s lost.  Then when he finds the sheep he is filled with so much joy because he can hold it and help it.

Announcer:            Wow a good shepherd really does love his sheep doesn’t he?

Jake:          YAWN… A good shepherd will do what is best for the sheep even if costs the shepherd sleep or money or anything.  That is what real love is…giving at your own expense.  Being a shepherd is hard work but a good shepherd works hard because he loves his sheep.YAWWWN

Announcer:            Thanks Jake. I think though it’s time for you to go to take a nap!

Jake:          YAWN okay…by kids

Jake walks off stage yawning

6)      Drama intro
Today’s bible story is a parable Jesus told us about a lost sheep. The Shepherd was so concerned over his one lost sheep that he wouldn’t give up until he found it. Then when he found his sheep he was so excited he threw a big party. Lets listen

7)      Drama link here

8)      Memory verse
Hi kids!
Did you know that sheep like to be cared for?  A good shepherd loves and cares for his sheep. He will take care of his sheep no matter how much it cost’s him. He will spend day and night with his sheep. He will be out in the hot sun watching over his sheep making sure they have cool water to drink. He will stay out in the pouring rain with the sheep watching over them. He will even sleep outside with them and keep them safe, instead of sleeping in his comfy bed at home.  God is our Good Shepherd and he LOVES us! The love of our Good Shepherd is a special kind of love called Agape. Agape love means loving others at our own expense. We will learn more about this in our bible lesson time. We are going to learn about the lost sheep and how the Good Shepherd goes out searching for it. But right now I want to teach you today’s bible verse.

Isaiah 40:11
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart
Invite the children to repeat after you and add actions!
He tends his flock
(Put hands like you are patting sheep on the head)
Like a shepherd
(Make shepherd staff with hand)
He gathers the lambs in his arms
(Motion like you are gathering a lamb into your arm)
And carries them close to his heart
(Put both hands on your heart)
Isaiah 40:11

9)      Response and Closing
So you see. The Good Shepherd loves us!  Isn’t it amazing. If you learning nothing else in the VBS I want you to ALWAYS remember that God your Good Shepherd LOVES YOU!!

10)  Prayer
Thank you God or Good Shepherd that you love us! Please help each one of these kids to feel your love in a special way tonight. Help us to listen and learn more about your love.

11)   Send Kids out to the their classes 

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